Works in progress
- Brainer, Amy. “Queer marriage migration beyond the couple: Families of origin in matters of the heart and state.”
- Brainer, Amy. “In bed with the state? Queer and trans migrations through marriage.”
Please let me know if you need access to a publication below; I am happy to share!
Peer-reviewed publications
- Brainer, Amy. 2024. “‘To have security, to have access to life’: Queer ambivalence at the borders of marriage and the nation.” Pp. 113-129 in Excluding Diversity through Intersectional Borderings: Politics, Policies, and Everyday Experiences in Europe and Beyond, edited by L. Merla, S. Murru, G. Orsini, & T. V. Juros. Springer.
- Brainer, Amy. 2023. “Queer bat signals: Families of origin and choice under social distancing and lockdown.” Pp. 209-222 in Families as They Really Are (3rd ed.), edited by V. Rutter, B. Risman, & K. Williams. W. W. Norton & Co.
- Brainer, Amy. 2022. “‘There is absolutely no discrimination based on that allowed’: Marriage, migration, and equality rhetoric as a justification for harm.” Humanity & Society 46(4): 571-593.
- Brainer, Amy. 2021. “Lesbian and gay parents, heterosexual kinship, and queer dreams: Making families in 21st century Taiwan.” positions: asia critique 29(3): 633-656.
- Brainer, Amy. 2021. “Caring for queer bodies and spirits in and after death: Research notes from Taiwan.” Whatever: A Transdisciplinary Journal of Queer Theories and Studies, 4: 688-692.
- Brainer, Amy, Pallavi Banerjee, & Mignon Moore. 2020. “Race and ethnicity in the lives of LGBTQ parents and their children: Perspectives from and beyond North America.” Pp. 85-103 in LGBTQ-Parent Families: Innovations in Research and Implications for Practice (2nd edition), edited by A. Goldberg & K. Allen. Springer.
- Brainer, Amy. 2019. Queer Kinship and Family Change in Taiwan. Rutgers University Press.
- Brainer, Amy. 2018. “New identities or new intimacies? Reframing ‘coming out’ in Taiwan through cross-generational ethnography.” Sexualities 21(5-6): 914-931.
- Brainer, Amy. 2017. “Patrilineal kinship and transgender embodiment in Taiwan.” Pp. 110-128 in Perverse Taiwan, edited by H. Chiang and Y. Wang. Routledge.
- Brainer, Amy. 2017. “Materializing ‘family pressure’ among Taiwanese queer women.” Feminist Formations 29(3): 1-24.
- Brainer, Amy. 2017. “Mothering gender and sexually nonconforming children in Taiwan.” Journal of Family Issues 38(7): 921-947.
- Brainer, Amy. 2015. “Growing up with a lesbian, gay, or bisexual sibling.” Pp. 164-181 in Families as They Really Are (2nd ed.), edited by B. Risman & V. Rutter. W. W. Norton & Co.
- Moore, Mignon & Amy Brainer. 2013. “Race and ethnicity in the lives of sexual minority parents and their children.” Pp. 133-148 in LGBT-Parent Families: Innovations in Research and Implications for Practice, edited by A. Goldberg & K. Allen. Springer.
Other writing
- Blog posts for the Hub for Teaching and Learning Resources: “Shadow narrative.” “LGBTQ+ people and curricula: What is at stake and for whom?” “Pedagogy in reactionary times.”
- Brainer, Amy and Naja Nile. 2022. “A Michigan student and professor on Florida’s ‘don’t say gay’ bill: Why it matters to all and how to talk about it.” Op-ed in Pride Source.
- Brainer, Amy. 2021. “Families: Transnational and global perspectives.” In The Sage Encyclopedia of Trans Studies, edited by A. Goldberg & G. Beemyn. SAGE.
- Brainer, Amy. 2016. “Book review: Queerying families of origin, edited by Ciara Bertone and Maria Pallotta-Chiarolli.” Journal of Family Theory and Review 8(1): 116-121.
- Brainer, Amy. 2016. “East Asian sexualities.” In The Sage Encyclopedia of LGBTQ Studies, edited by A. Goldberg. SAGE.
- Brainer, Amy. 2014. “Book review: The marrying kind: Debating same-sex marriage within the lesbian and gay movement, edited by Mary Bernstein and Verta Taylor.” Gender & Society 28(3): 498-500.